Midwestern/Northeastern Research
This region includes Ohio, Indiana, Michigan, Illinois, Maryland, Delaware, Pennsylvania, New York, New Jersey, Vermont, New Hampshire, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Massachusetts and Maine. It accounts for about 0.5 percent of canola production in the United States as a newer growing region for winter canola.
Currently, there are no research projects in the Midwest/Northeast but past projects focused on variety development through university breeding programs; variety testing for new lines with high yield potential, winter hardiness and resistance to pod shattering and disease; and establishment of regional best practices for planting date, seeding rate, pest control and fertility requirements. In addition, researchers evaluated the effects of including canola in the traditional Midwestern cropping system with corn and soybeans.
Here are the most recent summaries of Midwest/Northeastern research projects jointly funded by the National Canola Research Program and collaborating universities: