2003 National Canola Research Conference
The first NCRC, “New Technologies for a New Century,” enabled growers, industry leaders and researchers to share innovation and technology, identify opportunities for collaborative research and develop priorities that will enable the U.S. canola industry to grow. Oral and posters presentations provided different perspectives on issues pertaining to nutrition, industrial uses and agronomy.
Canola in a Changing Food Industry
- Trans Fatty Acids in Nutrition Labeling
- Global Opportunities for High-Oleic Canola Oil
- The Market for Specialty Canola Oils
- Opportunities for Canola in a Changing Food Industry: The Processor Perspective
- The Role of Saturates and Trans Fatyy Acids
- Trans Fats: The Consumer Perspective
Increasing Canola Meal Value
Opportunities for New Uses
Ways to Increase U.S. Canola Production
NCRC Regional Presentations
- Application timing for Beyond, Liberty, and Roundup in canola and
economic comparison to traditional canola - Canada Thistle Control in Canola, Wheat, and Fallow
- Control of Volunteer Canola and Testing for Multiple Herbicide Resistance
- Herbicide-Tolerant Canola (Brassica napus) Systems for the Southeastern United States
- Herbicide-Tolerant and Conventional Canola Production Systems Comparison
- Cabbage Seedpod Weevil Control and Damage Loss Assessment in Winter Canola Using Insecticides
- Influence of Cabbage Seedpod Weevil on Canola Seed Yield in North Alabama
- Canola Planting Date-Insecticide Interactions for Management of the
Crucifer Flea Beetle (Phyllotreta cruciferae Goeze) in North Dakota
- Canola Disease Incidence in North Dakota and Minnesota in Recent Years
- Evaluation of Canola Cultivars for Resistance to Sclerotinia
- Impact of Preceding Crops on Incidence and Severity of Disease in Canola
- Uniform Fungicide Trials in North Dakota and Minnesota
- Canola Meal in Beef Cattle Diets
- Cultivar and Growing Locationa Effects on Composition
- Developing high-quality biodiesel from Brassica oilseed crops
- Total Phenolics and Antioxidant Activity of Canola Grown in the North Central Region
- Use of Canola Seeds to Increase Conjugated Linoleic Acid, an Anticancer Agent, in Milk of Dairy Cows
- Using Brassicaceae Seed Meal As A Bio-Fumigant
- Breeding Canola for the Mid-South
- The Consistency Of Winter Canola East of the Rocky Mountains
- Developing Cabbage Seedpod Weevil Resistance in Canola and Rapeseed
- Increase Genetic Diversity In Biofumigant Brassicaceae Beals Through Interspecific And Intergeneric Hybridization
- Valuartion and Performance of Transgenic Oilseed Rape Containing cry1Ac Gene for Resistance to Diamondback Moth
Other Agronomy
- Canola Dormant Seeding in North Dakota
- Canola Performance as Influenced by Genotype, Seed Size, and Seeding Depth
- Evaluation of Seeding Bin Run Canola vs. Commercial Seed
- Optimum Seeding Date and Rate to Reduce Canola Water and Heat Stress in Central Montana
- Row Spacing and Sulfur Fertilizer Effects on Canola
- Seeding Rate and Date Influence on Canola Using Production Scale Plots
- Sowing Dates, Seeding and Nitrogen rates effect yield components of Canola
- Swathing and Harvest Date Effects on Canola
- Ten Years of Canola Research in Virginia
- The Canola Production Centre in Minnesota
- Timing of Sulfur Fertilizer Application for Canola Production in Northeast North Dakota
- Value-added Products from Canola: Seed Produced by Regrowth