Crop Insurance
Crop insurance can make the difference between survival and success for farmers. Given that no one can control Mother Nature, it is essential for farmers to have insurance in case of weather or other uncontrollable conditions that damage or wipe out their crops or prevent them from being planted. The U.S. Department of Agriculture provides different types of assistance to insured crops per county. The USCA ensures that all canola-growing counties are eligible to receive written insurance agreements. The USDA’s Risk Management Agency offers insurance to most canola-growing states.
Coalition Letter to Biden Administration re: FY25 Budget 1.22.24
Letter to Risk Management Agency re: county expansion, planting dates and omega-3 canola 7.24.23
Letter to Secretary of Agriculture on Indemnity Coverage Assistance 5.19.22
Coalition letter to USDA and OMB re: FY2023 crop insurance 1.27.22
Coalition letter to Appropriations Committee re: FY2022 crop insurance 1.25.21
USDA Letter on Updated Prevented Plant Policy 7.24.20
Letter to USDA re: Canola-Rapeseed Crop Insurance Provisions 7.23.20
FSA-RMA canola acres by county 2019 12.19.19
Farm groups letter to USDA on quality loss and WHIP+ 10.16.19