The U.S. Canola Association is the only U.S. agricultural organization representing all industry segments, including farmers, processors, food manufacturers, exporters, seed companies and crop protection companies. Each membership segment has an equal voice in policy development and together they form a broader base for action on legislative, research and regulatory issues. Benefits of membership include federal representation, issues management, research and technical assistance, information and communication services.
There are four types of membership:
- Producer Members are actively involved in farming in the United States with an interest in canola and/or rapeseed. They are entitled to vote in membership meetings, sit on association committees and be represented on the USCA Board of Directors.
- Industry Members include domestic businesses, organizations, agencies and individuals of U.S. residence that have an interest in canola and/or rapeseed and the betterment of the industry. They are entitled to vote in membership meetings, sit on association committees and be represented on the USCA Board of Directors.
- Associate Members include domestic or foreign businesses, organizations, agencies and individuals that have an interest in canola and/or rapeseed and wish to maintain communication with the association. They are not entitled to vote in membership meetings or be represented on the USCA Board of Directors.
- Honorary Members are individuals appointed by the USCA board who have given outstanding service to the association or U.S. canola sector. They are not required to pay dues.
Among producer board members, all U.S. canola growing regions are represented, including:
- North Central (North Dakota, South Dakota, Minnesota and Wisconsin)
- Great Plains (Oklahoma, Kansas, Texas, Colorado, Missouri, California, Nevada, Nebraska, Arizona, and New Mexico)
- Pacific Northwest (Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Montana, Wyoming and Utah)
- South (Kentucky, Tennessee, Arkansas, Virginia, West Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia and Florida)