USCA Governance
The U.S. Canola Association (USCA) is overseen by a board of directors comprised of 10 growers from four regions and up to 15 industry representatives. The board has an executive committee that includes the president, immediate past president, first vice president, treasurer, secretary and two appointed industry members. In addition, the USCA has three standing committees which oversee each major area of association activity, including:
Budget, Finance and Membership: This committee develops and recommends annual budgets for USCA operations and direct efforts to finance activities requiring board approval. It also studies and recommends ways of expanding USCA membership and providing members with appropriate information and services.
Market Development and Public Relations: This committee’s goal is to expand the utilization of and demand for canola products among end-product manufacturers and consumers as well as to increase media and influencer interest in canola. It works to maintain and improve communication with USCA members and the public at large.
Research, Technical, Pesticide & Government Relations: This committee furthers the development of the canola industry through basic and applied research and technical support, including the development of quality standards. It also recommends positions on issues regarding federal and/or state government activities that may impact growth of the industry.
Members of standing committees are appointed by the executive committee and must be USCA members. Each committee has one director and may establish subcommittees.